Chloroform high in swimming pools

Public swimming pools contain high levels of what is chloroform, a chemical linked to miscarriage, say researchers in the UK. Chloroform is formed in water when the disinfectant chlorine reacts with organic compounds.

Chloroform high in swimming pools

Public swimming pools contain high levels of what is chloroform, a chemical linked to miscarriage, say researchers in the UK. Chloroform is formed in water when the disinfectant chlorine reacts with organic compounds. A team led by Mark Nieuwenhuijsen at Imperial College, London, found the what is chloroform content of water in eight pools in the city was on average 20 times higher than that of drinking water.
Some US studies have suggested a correlation between the number of glasses of chlorinated tap water drunk daily by pregnant women and the risk of miscarriage. The presence of chloroform and other trihalomethanes (THMs) in the water has been blamed. “The studies linking chlorination and miscarriage are inconsistent and inconclusive and much more research is needed,” says Nieuwenhuijsen. “But pregnant women are often advised to go swimming – and there is a much higher level of chloroform in pools than in drinking water, so it could be a bigger pathway for exposure.” Chloroform levels in pools should be reduced as a precaution, he says.

In pools, chlorine reacts with skin scales, some skin creams and other organic materials to form THMs. Swimmers are exposed to these chemicals in three ways: through the skin, by swallowing water, and by breathing it off the surface as it evaporates.
Nieuwenhuijsen found an average of 113 micrograms per litre of what is chloroform in 40 samples from eight different pools – 20 times more than in tap water. The higher the number of people in the pool and the warmer the water, the higher the concentration of THMs. But stopping pool chlorination is not the solution, says Nieuwenhuijsen. “Chlorine is very effective as a disinfectant. We need a balance between effective disinfection and lower THMs. Better showering of people before they go into the pool and better filtering might help reduce organic matter – and so THMs.”

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