How to Clean Paint Brushes: The Easiest Ways To Clean

How to Clean Paint Brushes: The Easiest Ways To Clean

If you are an artist, your brushes become dirty after completing a painting. Nobody likes dirty brushes, that's why you should clean them. But you should clean the brush with proper technique, so your brush dont gets damaged. Dont worry, today we will tell you how to clean paint brushes. So keep reading it to clean your brush perfectly next time.


How to Clean Paint Brushes:


There are many ways to clean paintbrushes, and we will use the Solvent and vinegar methods today. These are the easiest and fastest methods available to clean brushes. 


Solvent method:

To perform this technique, you need a suitable solvent, an old bowl or cup, Old Rag or cloth piece and gloves. Now, let's know the complete process step by step.



1.Start by removing as much colour as possible from your brush using a towel or an old cloth piece. Remove until you get a brush with less paint, making the removal process easy. 

2. Now take Solvent and a bucket and pour Solvent into the bucket in small quantities. You can use any Tupperware you have at house. After that, put your brush in the Solvent.

3. Now, swirl and move your brush into Solvent; you will see paint being removed. Do this process until you see a precise brush. 

4. Now put your brush in water, remove all the water, and Solvent with a rag.

5. Your brush is clean, and now you can store it at your favourite place and use it on your next art.


Vinegar Method:

If your brush has had hard paint for some time, the Vinegar method will be a brush saver for you. You will need white vinegar, a stove and a Cooking pot to do this method.




1.Take vinegar in a pot and put the brush into the pot. Make sure all bristles are in touch with vinegar.

2. Now put the on the stove to boil the vinegar; when doing this method, dont put pot for a longer duration.

3. After some time, remove the pot from the stove at wait until it gets cool.

4. Take out the brush from the vinegar; you can use gloves if the pot is too hot.

5. Now comb the bristles of the brush with your fingers. Do this process until all the paint gets removed from the brush and you see a crystal clear brush.

6. Wash the brush in cold water; it will remove the remaining paint. If you dont get a clear brush, repeat the process until you get your desired brush.

7. You will get a paint-free brush after completing this process, and you can use that for your next painting.



Many people only use a paintbrush one time, and then after it gets dirty, they throw it away. But if you clean the brush, you can use it for a long time. But how to clean paint brushes? Now you know the two best ways of cleaning paint brush, Solvent and Vinegar methods. So next time, clean your dirty brush and use it for your next project.

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