Vidalista Black 80mg Tablet is a PDE-5 inhibitor that works to treat Erectile Dysfunction and other conditions. It is a generic drug that contains the active ingredient Tadalafil, which is an effective medicine that helps to increase the blood flow to your penis.
The dosage of Vidalista Black 80mg should be taken as per the instructions of your doctor. It is important to not miss any doses because it may cause serious side effects. If you do miss a dose, it is okay to take it as soon as you remember, but do not exceed the recommended dosage.
You should also avoid consuming alcohol while taking this ED pill, as it can increase the risk of side effects and decrease the effectiveness of this medication. In addition, you should also avoid consuming grapefruit and grapefruit juice as these foods can interact with this medication and increase its side effects.
It is advisable to use this medication with caution in patients with kidney disease, as it may not work well in these patients. It should not be used by patients with liver disease as it can worsen their condition.
The normal recommended dosage of Vidalista Black is one 80mg tablet before sexual intercourse. The pill should be gulped down with a glass of water, and it will mix into your blood in 30 to 40 minutes.
Afterwards, you need to be sexually stimulated in order to obtain an erection. This is why it is important to plan your sex ahead of time and take the medication at least half an hour before planned sex.
Once you have obtained an erection, it will last for about three to four hours, depending on the dose and your body’s metabolism. After that, the erection will eventually fall off by itself.
In most cases, this medication is very effective and can help men to get an erection that lasts for hours without a problem. However, if you experience any side effects while using this medication, contact your doctor immediately.
It is very important to keep Vidalista Black out of the reach of children, as it can cause life-threatening conditions in them. This medication can also increase the risk of a heart attack or stroke in some people.