Between Skirmishers, Anti-Armor

Your Anti-Infantry pick up the slack, eliminating enemy troops and weakening their front line. Your Standard Bearer supports your Resolve, allowing your allies to remain strong.

Line Compositions and Morale, Section 2
Good line composition is entirely subjective and varies depending on the available resources. However, an excellent line like the following:
With a Skirmisher in the Middle, Top, and Bottom.
Between Skirmishers, Anti-Armor.
Behind Skirmishers and Anti-Armor, Anti-Infantry.
Standard Bearer in addition to Anti-Infantry if you have one. The function of this line is straightforward. While your Skirmishers engage foes and deflect their attacks, your Anti-Armor destroy their shields and armor to weaken them. Your Anti-Infantry pick up the slack, eliminating enemy troops and weakening their front line. Your Standard Bearer supports your Resolve, allowing your allies to remain strong.
This is not the perfect line composition, but it's a wonderful place to begin! Learning to field this line can strengthen your early game and improve your late game. Note: As the endgame approaches, it may be advantageous to have more Anti-Armor units than Skirmishers in your army, in order to crush opponent armor more effectively. Adapt this method as necessary drift boss.
Managing Morale
Maintaining morale depends on preserving the lives of your troops! Allied units that observe their comrades being slain one by one will eventually quit the battlefield, therefore it is imperative to keep them healthy at all costs. If an ally is close to death, attempt to finish off their assailant and disengage them from the combat.
Standards may significantly improve morale. Keeping one in the party becomes practically vital as the game progresses and more formidable foes are encountered. It is also a respectable polearm, enabling the Standard Bearer to function as an Anti-Infantry unit. Obtaining one immediately should be a significant objective.
Section 3: Additional Reading Suggested Benefits
Perks can make your units far stronger than normal. Choosing the right ones can help keep your brothers alive!
For Militiamen:
Rapid Adaptation can make it easier to hit multiple opponents in succession.
Recover can make it easier to re-engage in combat when extremely exhausted.
Shield Expert is vital!
Rotation can save nearly-dead units, especially if you replace them with robust, healthy Skirmishers.
Brawny makes Anti-Armor forces significantly more mobile.
Colossus makes Anti-Armor units just a tad tankier.
Executioner is highly compatible with Crippling Strike.
The Steel Brow ability prevents early-battle quick deaths.
Crippling Strike does wonders for Anti-Infantry and prepares them well for Executioner.
Backstabber increases the accuracy of Anti-Infantry troops.
Reach Advantage is useful in a pinch, since it makes it easier to defend against opponent Anti-Infantry.
Fearsome transforms Anti-Infantry units with strong Resolve into terrifying Resolve-breakers. This is particularly advantageous for the Standard Bearer.
FAQ: Are ranged weapons effective?
Somewhat. The truth is that Battle Brothers is a melee game that focuses on armor at higher levels. This diminishes the effectiveness of arrows and bolts to the point of irrelevance by the endgame. Against a ranged squad, a team of fully armored bros can do fairly well, especially if they have access to shields and decent armor. Still effective against the undead and animals, but ineffective against other high-level humans and the Ancient Empire. It may be advisable to use melee combat.

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