How Do We Define a Career Gap

Taking an extended leave from the workforce can be for numerous reasons, including taking care of family, changing career paths, taking a sabbatical, or being laid off.

Whether the gap is long-term or short-term, it should always be addressed artfully when applying for new positions. There's no reason to hide your career gap from potential employers; instead, use this opportunity to demonstrate how productive you can be when faced with obstacles. Explaining where you’ve been and how your time away served as an asset towards meeting your current goals will go far in relieving any concerns they may have about hiring someone with a career gap on their resume.

Alternatively, if you are currently in a gap, you can list it like any other job experience on your resume. This allows you to provide more information about what you did while taking a pause from work, which can help add some context and highlight relevant viable experiences that could benefit the position. It also ensures that when employers see the gap, they don’t just assume that you haven’t been working, but instead understand why there was a temporary break in your career path.

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