Transforming Patient Experience in Primary Health Care

Originally Published on Quantzig | Leveraging Patient Journey Mapping for a Leading Primary Health Care Services Provider


Primary health care ensures universal access through holistic methods. Key WHO elements include stakeholder participation, integrated care, patient-centric services, reducing disparities, and collaborative models.



Enhance administrative services, understand patient experiences, and anticipate trends through patient journey mapping for strategic planning.



- Identified gaps in patient relationships for targeted retention strategies.

- Improved communication between departments and patients.

- Enhanced pre/post-clinical engagement with strategic initiatives.


Predictive Insights:

- Informed business decisions through valuable customer behavior insights.

- Improved communication to prevent losses in patient experience.

- Predicted healthcare trends for enhanced customer satisfaction.


Digital Trends:

  1. Smart Tech and Wearables:

   - Innovations in wearable devices for real-time health monitoring.


  1. Big Data Impact:

   - Measures customer satisfaction and predicts healthcare trends.


  1. Empowered Customers:

   - Growing trend of patient empowerment facilitated by digital access.


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