Key Factors to Consider While Buying Womens Hiking Shoes

Check out the top factors to consider while shopping for womens hiking shoes in NZ. Read to know more about the different types of available hiking footwear.

Shopping for womens hiking shoes in NZ can get confusing owing to the wide range of available options. Picking the right set of hiking shoes is similar to any matchmaking process where the shoes need to sync with where and how you hike. Also, there are many other factors that should be considered before deciding to purchase.


If you’ve been out shopping for hiking shoes, chances are that you must’ve either ditched buying or ended up making the wrong purchase. Well, you’re not alone! We’ve noticed many hikers and outdoors enthusiasts often struggling with finding the right essentials for their trips.


One such confusion lies in the footwear category as well. The hiking boots are available in a variety of fits, materials, types, etc., making it difficult for buyers to comprehend. So, if you, too have found yourself staring cluelessly at the hiking shoes wall or collection pages, this article will help you clear the confusion and assist in making the right purchase.


Before we begin, it’s important to understand that there are no one perfect women hiking shoe for all. Much like an ideal camping gear that differs from one individual to another based on their necessities and preferences, the idea of a perfect hiking shoe varies for all.


Hence, don’t base your purchase on anonymous recommendations and product reviews online. While they are certainly very helpful, the reviews should be referred to in the later stages. Primarily, it is the components of the shoe that should be considered and whether or not they are perfect for your type of hiking adventure.


Now, let’s go straight into the essential factors that a buyer must be aware of and consider while buying womens hiking shoes in NZ.



Hiking footwear - Choose the right one


Unlike in the past, hiking footwear options are no longer limited to heavy, stiffy, and large-size leather boots only. All thanks to manufacturing advancements and fashion trends, one can now shop from a variety of high, mid, and regular-styled footwear that is ideally protective and comfortable. Some of the most popular types of hiking footwear available in the market are:


Hiking shoes - The most popular of all other hiking footwear, hiking shoes have both, the low-ankle sturdy tread of trail running shoes and the robustness of burlier hiking boots. Ideal for backpacking, hiking, and long-distance day hiking, hiking boots provide enough support while being lightweight and comfortable for the wearers.


Trail shoes - Designed for running on uneven and dirty terrains, trail running shoes are perfect for short-distance hikers looking for lightweight footwear options. However, these shoes offer minimal protection in the toe region and can be more sensitive underfoot. Hence, it is best for short and lightweight hiking. Also, there’s no break-in period for comfort in the case of these shoes.


Hiking boots - As the name suggests, hiking boots are hiking footwear that reaches at or above the ankle and has a durable construction. These are suitable options for hikers who need added ankle support or are planning to carry heavy weight while backpacking. There’s a common misconception that hiking boots are always heavy. In reality, there are multiple lightweight options available in this category.



Hiking objective terrain


Hiking objective plays a vital role in determining the perfect hiking shoes for you. Unless you are buying womens hiking shoes in NZ for collection purposes, it is always best to go for versatile ones that will keep you comfortable and protected across varied terrains and outdoor conditions.


Consider your primary use i.e. lightweight backpacking, fast-packing, or simply day trekking, and study the terrain conditions before concluding. The difficulty of terrain ranges from easy and moderate to strenuous and impacts the hiking experience directly.


For terrains that are soft and often muddy, hiking shoes with waterproof and mud-shedding designs are the best choice. Similarly, if you are preparing to trek on uneven rocky terrains, your hiking shoes should be highly breathable and robust enough to protect from rocky plants.


Water Resistance Fit


High water resistance should be a priority concern when buying hiking shoes. A majority of hiking shoes are made water resistant either by providing a waterproof membrane in between the upper fabric of the shoe or by adding a waterproof chemical treatment to the fabric that makes for the upper partition of the shoes.


For instance, Gore-Tex is the waterproof material used in outdoor footwear that makes them breathable and highly resistant to moisture. Consider whether or not you need a waterproof shoe on your hiking adventure. Also, fit is another important aspect that should not be neglected as it determines the comfort level to great extent.


While buying hiking shoes, make sure to try the fit and size while wearing the socks and any footbed that you intend to wear during the trek. Another important thing to keep in mind while buying hiking shoes is that active feet expand in size. Hence, it is best recommended to try on footwear during the second half of the day as the feet will swell slightly throughout the day.


Summing Up!


Now that you are well aware of the basic factors to consider while shopping for hiking shoes, it’s time to explore the varied styles and make a valuable purchase. If you are planning to buy hiking shoes anytime soon, you might want to check out the exclusive collections by Dwights. Their range of high-quality products includes everything from camping gear to hiking shoes and apparel.

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