What Is IP?


If you have thought of a great idea that you think can change the world for the better, you need to do everything within your power to protect it including hiring an IP lawyer. Your creations are your babies, your greatest accomplishments, and the way that you will have an impact on the rest of the world.


Therefore, you need an IP lawyer who can help you make sure that your dreams remain yours and only yours. Let’s dig into what they do, what an intellectual property is, and how it can change your life.


What Is An IP? An IP is just another phrase for “intellectual property”. In the most simplest terms, that is a creation that is yours and only yours. Something that you came up with on your own. From music to movies to books and so much more, an IP can be just about anything.


But when you have come up with an IP, it’s up to you to make sure that no one else can take it. There are laws to prevent others from stealing your concepts and pawning them off as their own, but they will only be respected if you go through the right steps to protect your creations before they are shown to the world. If you do not rely on an IP lawyer, you will only open yourself up for your stuff to be stolen and you won’t be able to make a profit off of other peoples’ thievery.


Patents: What is a patent and how does it apply to your IP? Patents are the keys to protecting inventions. In other words, patents will keep safe physical things that you make and give to the world. For example, Apple has a patent for every single product they sell, such as their iPhones, iPads, and more. Because of these patents, each product is legally tied to Apple and any company that attempts to rip them off and make something that resembles that will face legal consequences.


Copyright: Meanwhile, there is something else called a copyright, which is all about the protection of ideas. While a patent will help keep products safe, a copyright will help keep ideas safe. Therefore, if someone else comes up with a movie, book, or song idea that you have copyrighted, they will be in serious trouble.


There are certain things that you cannot hold in your hand, such as an idea or work of art. But those things are still your IP and they can be protected via a copyright.


Trademark: One of the most important tools that someone has when they are creating intellectual property are trademarks. With them, they are able to keep their symbols, names, slogans, and more protected.


A trademark will make sure that the right company holds the rights to their most memorable phrases, slogans, logos, and more. And they can last a very long time too, which makes them even more important when it comes to stopping IP thieves.




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