Three Cool Abilities of the Snapmaker 10W High Power Laser Cutting Module.

Snapmaker 10W high-power laser cutting module is equipped with the most cutting-edge laser beam splitter, affecting the power leap from 5W to 10W, meaning Makers can now play with a wide variety of materials and bring out more projects.

A 3D laser cutter is like a regular laser cutter but with the ability to recognize all the sides of an object, not only its face. 3D laser cutters can work with cubes or large objects with different shapes and not flat materials.

Snapmaker 10W high-power laser cutting module is equipped with the most cutting-edge laser beam splitter, affecting the power leap from 5W to 10W, meaning Makers can now play with a wide variety of materials and bring out more projects.

Thanks to the triangulation technique, this 3D laser cutter can measure the thickness of your material by obtaining a few sets of data on the camera and the light emitter. After that, it will adjust itself in Z orientation so that the focal point falls right on the material surface. So bye-bye to manual material measuring; place your material on the platform, and the module will do all the measuring work for you.

As a laser cutting module, the Snapmaker 10W module has a cutting speed of up to eight times that of the 1.6W laser module. Its work speed can be as high as 6000mm/min, while cutting through basswood is as thick as 8mm. Literally, it can fulfill a laser job in a split of seconds.

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