here are some suggestions for camping near mumbai.

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Many people come to Mumbai also known as Mayanagri or the city of dreams for finding the golden opportunities for making their dreams come true. But they end up losing their real shelves in the busy schedules and forget the value of everything they have in the long race towards a big goal.

A break is the only solution for being close to your soul and nothing can be a better option than going camping near Mumbai which is surrounded by a variety of spots, you name it and you have it.


In this article we will be looking at the complete guide for making your camping experience near Mumbai a perfect trip. This will cover some of the most important points to keep in mind for the best feel of the trip. 

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 1. Kaas Plateau: Flowers and butterflies have the power of bringing out the inner child out of every person. Kaas plateau with its hundreds of flowers and butterflies can make for a fragrant trip and leave a blissful memory behind.

 2. Wai: Spiritual connection and ghats are an important part of Indian culture, they connect us to the many mythological stories of our nation. Wai or Dakshin Kashi has more than 100 temples and many ghats in which you can rejuvenate your lost holy bond.

 3. Kamshet: Sometimes all we need is an adrenaline rush to clear our mind and feel the freedom like the eagles. Try paragliding in Kamshet where safety is priority and everyone from a novice or an expert has a type of paragliding available.

 4. Pawna Lake: Looking at the reflection of the sun in day and the stars at night in water sounds like the most calming way of spending the weekend. The Pawna Lake can give you this peaceful experience with its calm blue water along with a countryside life experience.

 5. Revdanda Beach: The sound of waves touching the seashore, the beautiful rays over sea as sun rises and sets and the cool breeze is a good camping spot to trade with the plan of watching television. Go to the Revdanda Beach and let the breeze pass through your hair slowly and enjoy the night fill of stars.


 1. Tents and sleeping gear: Carry a tent suitable for the number of people in your group and carry sleeping bags and mats for everyone.

 2. Clothing: Pack suitable clothes according to the season but try not to take too much space for clothes.

 3. Food, Water and Cooking Equipment: Take ready to eat food, snacks, fruits and sufficient drinking water. If allowed, carry a portable stove and required utensils.

 4. Other Items: Pack important items like sunscreen, insect repellent, first-aid kit, medications, and flashlights with extra batteries for emergencies.


 1. Inform someone: Before leaving for the spot, let a trustworthy person or a family member know about the camping destination, route, company handling your trip if any and expected return time for safety reasons.

 2. Check Weather Conditions: Always look at the weather report for leaving for the destination as bad weather can make your trip go down the drain.

 3. Spot Selection: Select a safe location for your camping which is not too close to water bodies or forest.

 4. Campfire Safety: Before putting up a bonfire find out if it is permitted to do so in that location and be safe with it. Make sure that you extinguish the fire properly using water, sand or soil before sleeping to avoid any accidents.

 5. Insect Safety: Carry insect repellent and try not to keep your tent zip open at night.

 6. Wildlife Awareness: Research about the wildlife present in the location, know about the areas not to go inorder to avoid potential encounters, discard food safely and try not to touch any alien thing with bare hands to avoid medical emergencies.


Always carry a map, compass or a GPS device to help you with navigation as many camping locations might not have the network connectivity at the time of emergency. Learn the usage of these devices and make mindful decisions without being nervous.

           KEEP CLEAN

After usage of the location, before leaving make sure that you have left no trash whether renewable or nonrenewable. Keep nature clean and respect it with your heart, offer something in return to nature as it has given us everything.


Make a list of all the emergency contacts which might be useful in any kind of situation, including police authorities, medical facilities and hospitals nearby.




Camping is a mind enriching activity; it requires presence of mind and survival skills. Follow the points mentioned above, select the perfect location according to your need, go in a group, carry all essential items, maintain a border between yourself and nature and enjoy the moment by unplugging yourself from the digital gadgets. Mumbai has many beautiful spots near it full of scenic beauty, lush green forests and an extensive biodiversity for all the dream catchers who are on their own race of reaching their dreams in Mayanagri.

Take a break and go camping near Mumbai with this complete guide for the trip!


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