Best Cardiac Surgeon in India

Seeking the best cardiac surgeon in India? Visit Sir Ganga Ram Hospital to consult the renowned surgeon, Dr. Sujay Shad. He is the heart doctor who successfully performed a heart transplantation in a private hospital in Northern India.

Seeking the best cardiac surgeon in India? Visit Sir Ganga Ram Hospital to consult the renowned surgeon, Dr. Sujay Shad. He is the heart doctor who successfully performed a heart transplantation in a private hospital in Northern India. Along with successful heart transplant, he has gained popularity in CABG surgery, Heart Valve surgery, Aortic Dissection, Surgery for LV Aneurysm, etc. He knows that he works with irreplaceable humans hence he gives the best of his knowledge and experiences to make human life healthy and happier. To learn more about the doctor or success rate of treatments provided by him, book an appointment with Dr. Sujay Shad right away at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

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